9 new autofixes added in the Go analyzer

Fix missing enum types in declaration

const (
    First byte = 1
    Second     = 2

will be replaced with

const (
    First byte  = 1
    Second byte = 2

Remove unsafe printf


will be replaced with


Replace string comparison using case-conversion with EqualFold

if strings.ToLower(s1) == strings.ToLower(s2) {}

will be replaced with

if strings.EqualFold(s1, s2) {}

Remove empty default branch in for { select {...}} loop

for {
  select ch {
  case <-ch: // some code

will be replaced with

for {
  select ch {
  case <-ch: // some code

Canonicalize headers in http.Header map

const hdr = "foo"
h := http.Header{}
_ = h["header"]
_ = h[hdr]

will be replaced with

const hdr = "foo"
h := http.Header{}
_ = h["Header"]
_ = h[http.CanonicalHeaderKey(hdr)]

Remove unnecessary guard around maps

var m = map[string][]string{}
if _, ok := m["k1"]; ok {
	m["k1"] = append(m["k1"], "v1", "v2")
} else {
	m["k1"] = []string{"v1", "v2"}

will be replaced with

var m = map[string][]string{}
m["k1"] = append(m["k1"], "v1", "v2")

Fix select-case way of sleeping

select {
case <-time.After(0):

will be replaced with


Remove unnecessary use of Sprint/Sprintf

_ = fmt.Sprint("foo")

will be replaced with

_ = "foo"

Remove zero-width and control characters

a = "a" // this is unicode U+0007

will be replaced with

a = "\a"